About Us

How We Met: Cramin and I first met in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the summer of 2001. We were both attending the Howard Hughes Biomedical Sciences Scholar Program. During this program, we started college a summer early by taking a general chemistry course. At this time, however, we were so excited about the beginning college, being in the “Big Easy,” and meeting people that our relationship only consisted of a friendship plus the added bonus of casual flirting. It wasn’t until two years later while we were actually attending another summer program at Baylor College of Dentistry that sparks flew. Cramin and I had crossed paths on and off throughout college. We were both science majors (his major was chemistry and mine biology) so we had a couple of classes together. Also we both shared a love for student government so we often saw each other during school functions. We definitely shared an attraction during those first two years of college but everything remained casual until the summer we spent together in Dallas at Baylor College of Dentistry. Cramin and I had both been members of the Predental Club at Xavier but I would’ve never thought that in pursuing our career goals, a relationship would form. The program spanned eight weeks during the summer of 2003 and by the end we were a bonafide couple. We spent the last two years of college together building a relationship solid enough that we decided to apply to all of the same dental schools. Luckily, we were both admitted to UAB School of Dentistry. After our first year of dental school, on our 3 year anniversary, Cramin asked for my hand in marriage.


 The Proposal: During the week of the proposal, I had fainted in Wal-Mart and was weak and not feeling well. Cramin, who is normally attentive and concerned when I am sick, was distant and hard to reach. I later learned that he was unreachable because he was busy during that week trying to find the perfect location and get all of the details just right. Due to my weakened state, the day was far from perfect.  Since we had been in the city of Birmingham for a full year and hadn’t experienced much of what the city had to offer, Cramin had several outings planned.  He first took me to the Botanical Gardens, which were absolutely beautiful.  Unfortunately the sun of the humid summer day took its toll on me and I had to sit because I started feeling bad as we toured the garden paths.  Cramin was so romantic and sweet because as we sat in the shade he read to me from a book of poems, ones that reminded him of our relationship. Our next adventure was to the Vulcan statue that oversees the city of Birmingham. Unfortunately once we got to the top, I realized I had a true fear of heights.  I couldn’t even stay up there to enjoy the sights because I was so terrified.  At this point, Cramin was thinking about cancelling the proposal because he thought the day was going way off course.  Next, he blindfolded me as we drove to an undisclosed location. He took me to the top of a large hill that overlooked the entire city of Birmingham to the Temple of Sibyl (mimics a lovely temple in Italy) that was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was setting and we had a great view of the city.  Atop the hill, he had a wonderfully prepared meal, wine, candles, and music…all I could ever ask for. We ate dinner and had wonderful time.  Before we left, he said I have something else to complete our day. He got on one knee and asked for me to become his wife.  I said yes screaming and crying without even looking at the ring.  Not only had he just asked for my hand in marriage, but he also had given me a ring that he lead me to believe to be unobtainable.  There sat on my finger the ring of my dreams!  And to top it all off, he had one of our classmates in the bushes taking pictures because he knows I am a scrapbook fanatic. Now I have pictures of our engagement to show our children.  

Here are the pictures-just click this link:  http://www.slide.com/r/MMEaxBcl3T_4_lG-fnic_gtdq8iXkjuP?previous